Sunday, November 20, 2005

juegos con lecciones

Again, we started our lesson with a game. This time, Cati, our teacher made us throw think of a word that has an opposite meaning such as largo-corto, blanca-negra, bruto-intelligente, debil-fuerte (fuerte was thrown to me and i had no idea what weak was in Spanish) etc, etc. That made us think on our toes.

our formal lesson started with colors. like all words in spanish, colors are gender sensitive as well as very particular on either singular or plural.

masculino -------------- Femenino
el arroz blanco ------------- harina blanca
el limon amarillo ------------ ciruela amarilla
el naranja naranja ---------- naranja naranja (this is a neuter)
el aguacate verde ---------- peras verdes (so is this one)
huevos blancos ------------ leche blanca
tomate rojo ---------------- fresa roja

after break, we had another ice breaker.

"El barco se Hunde" the boat is about to sink and you group yourselves in 3's or 2's or 5's

Roderick was caught 3 times and as punishment he has to either sing, dance or recite a poem. He opted to dance. unfortunately, we had no music. I forgot that my cell phone has YMCA of the Village People. That would have been fun. Next Saturday will be his DDay.

Then we had exercises in Complemento Directo.

1. Senora, como le queda el vestido?
Me gusta mucho. Me lo llevo.

2. Pilar me quedan bien estos pantalones.
Estupendamente, por que no te los llevos?

3. Voy a hacer cafe, Como lo tomas?
Con leche por favor.

4. Me gusta mucho la casa de la calle.
Entonces, la vas a alquilar?

5. Mira este traje gris, te gusta?
Si, es muy elegante, me lo pruebo?

6. Senora, le quedan bien los zapatos?
Si, si me los llevos?


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